Since 2005, the Association Française de Cliométrie makes available working papers in historical economics and econometric history. The ambition of the AFC Working Paper Series is to bring attention to new research before it is available in journals or other final outlets and to allow those interested to provide feedback to the authors while the papers are under review for eventual publication.
How to submit a proposal?
Papers are screened prior to acceptance into the series to ensure that they provide an original analysis or research oriented synthesis related to our research agenda and goals and that they are complete and ready for wider dissemination.
We welcome Working Paper submissions from our members. We encourage submission of papers presented at special events, such as conferences, symposia, etc. All Working Paper proposals should be submitted by email, if possible in Word format, to .
Papers should include a title page with contact information for the author(s), an abstract, keywords and JEL codes. AFC will post all accepted papers online in PDF format.